Here are Inflatable Toys the 3 Worst Mistak Good Youth Profession Make. Sinc Youth Chang is your Problem Student Problem-Solver, of course, we suppli solut you can us right away.
Feel Discourag About Overcom Problem There is no doubt that these ar extrem difficult time to be a teacher, counselor or youth professional. You must cope with the most seriou student behavior, social and famili problem that mai have ever exist in our nation' history, and now you must cope with on of the most seriou budget crunch that ever existed. You have twin battl to fight. We know you have to do more with less.
Using Yesterday' Method with Today' Kid So mani terrif teachers, princip and counselor ar still us old-styl intervent with new-styl kids. Older method ar often ineffect when us to combat some more modern concern like gangs, seriou substanc abuse, extrem violence, apathy, and cyber bullying. Here' a good test to see if you ar us an out-of-d method for a youth problem. If the method wa invent decad befor the problem was, there is like to be a mismatch. For example, combat cyber-bulli with charact ed mai produc inferior results. Switch to more updated, lively, compel contemporari approach can enhanc your result combat contemporari problems. To us apathi as an example, reli on an old-styl approach like mere word to combat apathi is often insufficient. Using method from the 1950 to combat 21st centuri problem is the equival of us a record player instead of an iPod. You can certainli hear current song on a record player but is the best, most reliabl way? Just as record player and iPod exist in differ universes, atom ag student intervent method mai not be the best fit for our new millennium.
Reli on Outdat Train If your train prepar you to work with Beaver Cleaver, but you see Beavi and Butthead everi day, you ar reli on prepar that wa gear for a world that no long exists. Teacher train ha been consist estim at 80% on content, 20% on human factors. What teacher ha ever had a dai domin by content problems? Teacher find their dai ar domin by the human factors, thing like student work refusal, disrespect, poor motivation, non-compliance, and huge classroom manag problems. Yet teacher train continu to address those concern in a minim and often theoret fashion. Teacher and other youth worker who attempt to stretch outmod train to work with contemporari youth and children often discov that "noth works". Teacher and other non-ment health staff who lack strong train on child and adolesc mental health often particularli struggle. Here is a quick quiz that can give you an indic of whether you might be us 20th centuri train with 21st centuri students.
1. Conduct Disord ar your most misbehav students. 11-14% of all student fit into thi mental health diagnost category. Ordinari intervent fail to control thi hard-to-manag youngster. What do you do instead? Read the answer here.
2. Work Refus ar becom more common. Why do otherwis compliant, fairli well-behav student refus to do their work in school? Read the answer here.
3. Charact Ed is a popular method to us to stop bulli but it will alwai fail with some student becaus these youngster can onli ever care about Me-Me-Me. Name these student and what to do instead. Read the answer here.
If you don't know the answer to these three questions, you don't have the skill need to manag three of the most common school problem that exist today. If you click over to our websit link below , there ar thousand of free articles, resources, and method to upgrad your skill right now.
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14 年前