0,On vivid Homemade Inflatable Tent memori of my veri earli childhood back in the 1960 s wa of drive to church on Sundai morn with my family. Sinc my grandpar live close to us, Dad would alwai swing by and pick them up, and we d all carpool together. It wa the job of Littl Danni as I wa affection nicknam back then to sit in the backseat, wedg snugli between Grandpa and Grandma.
everi Sundai Grandma would fish though her purs to find goodi for me and my older brother. Grandma almost alwai carri Wriglei s chew gum,A if some sort of ritual. though onc in a while we had to settl for a cherry-flavor cough drop. For a bonu treat, Grandma gave each grandson a coin to go in the piggybank. There were a few instanc when I receiv a dime featur a ladi who sport a wild-look hairdo, or at least that s how it appear to a 4-year-old. On on occasion, Grandma explain to me the coin wa call a Mercuri dime. She wa a coin collector of sorts, and I credit her with encourag my first interest in coins. Even though it didn t mean much to me at the time, thi wa my first lesson on Mercuri dimes.
I gather more knowledg on Mercuri dimes. For example,With the passag of years. I learn the face on the obvers realli wasn t that of Mercury, the male Roman messeng god, as the public ha larg believ ever sinc the dime wa first releas in 1916. Instead, the coin s designer, A.A. Weinman, intend to portrai a rendit of Ladi Liberti crown by a wing cap, to symbol liberti of thought. However, the Mercuri dime monik stuck, and is still by far the most common refer for thi beauti ten cent coin. The correct name, Wing Liberti Head dime, is us much less frequently. Oh well, at least I can congratul myself, for even as a small child, I wa abl to recogn the person on the dime as a woman, not a man!
not much attent wa focus on the degre of separ and round seen in the horizont band hold togeth the bundl of rod on the revers side. Full Split Band abbrevi "FSB" result from strike by fresh dies,Anoth import fact about Mercuri dime worth mention is that back when Grandma wa coin collecting. and have proven to be much rarer than blended, flatten bands. Gener speaking, if a Mercuri dime displai fulli separ and round bands, it can gener price far abov less distinct specimen of the same date, mintmark, and grade. For the last 10-15 years, most Mercuri dime valu guid have carri an FSB categori for mint state grades.