
Spratly Islands

    Nansha Islands in China there are thousands of miles of ancient Changsha, Wanli Shitang known. Is the center of the island, reef, sand, beaches spread all over, underwater topography is very complex, known as the "danger zone." Opera Tower is the edge of the water depth, water depth of more than 2000 meters down the deep seabed. The island is flat, the highest island Mingxiu hung six meters above sea level. Nansha Islands in the whole block up on the development.

    Sea depth of 1800 meters -2000 meters, from the Paleozoic basement of the composition of granite and gneiss. Nansha reef drilling Yongchang studies have proved that in the geological structure, the Nansha Islands and the Islands were similar.

    Beach Islands like Jade, oasis green birds sky, fish shallow at the end of Raymond ... - site never faded picture of a tropical island scenery. Types of moving objects with the value of the Xisha is the same as the sea turtles, hawksbill breeding homes. In a number of people on the island are hard to develop China's ancient ruins. Yongshu Reef on an artificial island a beautiful sea-side out, five-star red flag fly high.


